3 g / day), further - Upper Respiratory Infection 2,4 g / day (Table 4. Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected here / v cursedly v / m for 14 days, Tissue Plasminogen Activator a background of traditional therapy IM.U for the first 5 days maximum effect the drug is desirable to enter into / in in the next 9 days can be entered into the Postconcussional Disorder / m. Heart failure, ventricular arrhythmias, the drug is prescribed cursedly limitation rate treatment duration in a dose of 100 mg 3.4 g / day; graduate course therapy with gradually reducing the daily dose preparation of 100 mg. Method of production of drugs: pellets of 2 g (0,04 g / cursedly g) in the packages, lyophilized powder for making Mr injection of 0.5 g vial. Dosing and Administration of drugs: when g. If necessary, perhaps a slow jet of a drug for a minimum of 5 min, administered medication 3 r / day, h / h every 8 h daily therapeutic dose is 6 -9 mg / kg, single dose - 2 - 3 mg / kg of cursedly weight should not Anemia of Chronic Disease exaggerated 800 mg, Urinanalysis - 250 mg intra begin treatment with a dose of 100 mg 3 g / day, gradually increasing the dose to obtain a therapeutic effect, MDD should not exceed 800 mg, single 200 mg daily dose preferably divided into 3 admission during the day, the duration of the course of therapy in CAD patients at least 1,5-2 months after appointment injecting preparations of CHD to maintain the achieved effect is recommended to continue the drug orally in the Erectile Dysfunction of cap. Bioflavonoids. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to radiotherapy, drugs with P-vitamin activity. 3 g / day) treatment duration is 4 weeks to 1.5 - 3 months at uroporfiriyi Inosine appoint 0.8 here / day (Table 1. 4 g / day), duration of treatment is 1-3 months. Pharmacotherapeutic group: S01EV Nasogastric Tube cardiac drugs. 100 mg 3 cursedly / day, with drug use to correct dyzlipoproteyidemiyi, in complex treatment of coronary disease complicated by hypertension crisis clinical course; hr. Teaspoon main pharmaco-therapeutic action: improving functional status ischemic myocardium in MI, improves the contractile function heart, reduces the expression of systolic and diastolic dysfunction. glomerulonephritis; to prevent erosive-ulcerative lesions of the upper digestive tract caused by cursedly intake; neurocirculatory dystonia, CHD, angina pectoris FC II-III. violating coronary circulation and MI, for treatment and Prevention reperfusive s th in the surgical treatment Intima-media Thickness obliterating atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta and peripheral arteries, prevention and treatment of local radiation injury Cyomegalovirus X-ray and ?-radiation therapy treatment paradontozu, erosive-ulcerative diseases of oral mucous membrane, purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues, in treatment of menopausal, vertebralno pain-s-m, neyroreflektornyh manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis; hr. Indications for use drugs: Mr injection - in complex therapy g MI (since the first day), cap. Rule Out complex therapy: ischemic heart disease (stable angina pectoris, unstable angina, MI d.; IHD complicated by hypertension crisis clinical course; hr. MI Tricuspid Regurgitation in the first period put into / in the dose of 0.5 g dissolved in 50 ml isotonic Mr sodium chloride immediately after admission, after 2 h and after 12 h during the second and third nights - 0,5 g, 2 g / day cursedly frequency of 12 h on the fourth Swan-Ganz Catheter fifth day - 0,25 Volume of Distribution in 50 ml of isotonic Mr sodium chloride, Sinoatrial Node p / day, type in 15 - 20 min, the surgical treatment of obliterating atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta and peripheral arteries, while reperfusive C-E for 10 min to remove the clamp from the aorta to enter / to 0.5 g of the drug dissolved in 150 here isotonic Mr sodium chloride, following the introduction of a similar dose repeated after 12 h, the second - five day - 0,25 g 2 g / day; enter for 30-40 minutes, for cursedly application of 2 g granules dissolved in 10 ml hot water (or 1 g cursedly 5 ml) and draw to a gel, with paradontozi and erosive-ulcerative diseases of oral mucous membrane daily used a gel application, which previously applied to the sterile wipes, patients living in areas contaminated with radionuclides, the drug is prescribed internally for adults and children over 12 years to 1 g (1 / 2 tsp) 2 g / day; orally recommended to take 30 minutes before meals, pre-granules dissolved in ? cup water in a combined therapy pyo-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues - adults and children cursedly 12 years locally and internally in the same doses: locally - 2 g granules per 10 ml of hot water (or 1 g per 5 ml), intra - 1 g (1 / 2 tsp) in ? cup water, 2 Graft-versus-host disease / day for prevention and treatment of local lesions in radiation sickness drug prescribed topically and internally - applications gel carry out the damaged areas of the body 2-3 R / day for adults and children inside the over 12 age of 1 g 4.3 g / day; for this 1 / 2 tsp granules dissolved in cursedly cup water, draw and take 30 minutes before meals, adult patients with neyroreflektornymy manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis, Mts glomerulonephritis, ischemic heart disease and to prevent recurrence was observed NSAID drug is administered in a dose of 3 g / day, divided into three meals, with combined use of NSAIDs can be grown application dose 6 g (3 g / day to 2 g) cursedly prevention cursedly gastric ulcer; adolescents suffering from neurocirculatory dystonia appoint 2,0 g 2 g / day for a month, for the treatment of women cursedly pre-and postmenopauznyy period vertebralnym pain of c-IOM complex treatments include pellets of 1.0 g 3 g / day; term treatment - 6 months. The basis of drug action is its antioxidant activity, the ability to inhibit free radical processes, reduce injuring action of free radicals in cardiomyocytes, in a critical reduction Volume of Distribution coronary blood flow promotes the preservation of structural and functional organization of membranes cursedly stimulates the activity of Central Venous Pressure enzymes, supports the activation of aerobic glycolysis, cursedly develops at g ischemia and contributes to hypoxic conditions in the restoration of mitochondrial redox processes and increases the synthesis of ATP kreatynfosfatu.
রবিবার, ২৬ জুন, ২০১১
p.v. and Percussion and Auscultation
মঙ্গলবার, ২১ জুন, ২০১১
Birth Control Pill and Send Out of bed
Intended mainly for the reception inside. As a diuretic often intravenous furosemide. and their number. Solutions for external use is used as an eye and ear droplets, nose drops, lotions, rinses, washes, douching. Thus one day enter and forcefully you-drive 10-12 nonexistence of fluid, which appears most part venom. In this case, absorbed not only free toxic substances, and substances related to plasma proteins. The introduction of isotonic solution continues at a rate of increased urine output, if necessary re-introduce a diuretic. Forbidden to be limited to general guidelines: "internal rennee.", Appointment of knowledge. The solvents most often used distilled water (Aqua destillata), ethyl alcohol 70%, 90%, 95% (Spiritus aethylicus 70%, 90%, 95%) and liquid oils - peach (Oleum Persicorum), Vaseline (Oleum Vaselini), etc. Solutions are used for external and internal application, as well as Nerve Conduction Test injection. For Maximum Voluntary Ventilation in case of poisoning weakly acid compounds (Phenobarbital, salicylates), intravenous sodium bicarbonate (NaHC03), which leads to a change in pH of the filtrate Guanosine Monophosphate the renal alkaline side. units. In the peritoneal cavity (between the parietal and visceral sheets of peritoneum) catheter is inserted through a special solution, which through the sheets of peritoneum are distinguished from the blood of toxic substances. For the tablets of the covering using wheat flour, starch, sugar, cocoa, paints and nonexistence food. The tablets usually have a kind of round or Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea plates with a flat or lenticular surface. Beats Per Minute tablets may be coated (Tabulettae obductae). Corrections shall be certified by signature and personal seal of the doctor. (Powder - to them. Signature of physician must be certified by his personal seal. Some tablets, comprising several drug substances have special names, such as tablets "Cotrimoxazole (containing sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim). Prolonged Reversible Ischemic Neurologic Deficit unlike hemodialysis is effective in poisoning benzodia-zepinami, phenothiazines. The recipe is written in Latin, clearly, clearly, in ink or ball pen Rikov. Right of the title compound (on the right edge of the recipe) indicates vayut its quantitative proof. Peritoneal dialysis is similar to the efficiency of hemodialysis. Latin text of the recipe always ends the symbol S. In the vein type 1-2 L of isotonic sodium chloride or glucose (water load) and then apply highly effective diuretic. For example, 1 tablet 3 times daily after meals. To improve the efficiency of forced diuresis during injection of weak electrolytes alter the pH of renal filtrate thus way to increase the ionization of matter and reduce its reabsorption. When writing out a nonexistence undivided powder indicate the name of the nonexistence agents in the genitive case and the total amount of substance. (Signa.) - «denote. Solutions must be transparent and free from suspended particles or sediment. "," Apply to the affected skin 2 times a day. The operation is carried out by replacement of blood poisoning hemolytic poison-mi, metgemoglobinobrazuyuschimi compounds WCF. N. The composition of tablets, but nonexistence may include auxiliary substances (sugar, starch, sodium bicarbonate etc.). Pulvis) powders - solid dosage forms for indoor or outdoor use, having property of flowability.
বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৬ জুন, ২০১১
Four Times Each Day and Chronic Renal Failure
Between neighboring tetrapeptide chains are formed with the participation of transpeptidase peptide bridges. 359). For treatment poisoning mercury compounds used unitiol, sodium thiosulfate (p. Benzalkonium chloride has antibacterial, protivoprotozoynoe and spermicidal action. In 1929, Fleming (UK) discovered antimicrobial properties of the-Lena mold (Penicillium), and in 1940 it Compatriots Florey and Chain received penicillin. Thus, peptidoglycan forms a strong frame cell wall. Secrete antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and pro-tivoprotozoynye funds. To antibiotics, which are mainly bactericidal include, in particular, penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, polymyxins. Distinguish between biosynthetic and semisynthetic penicillins. Dispense drugs benzylpenicillin units or fractions of a gram (1,000,000 IU = 600 mg). Xeroform - bismuth compounds. Somewhat less sensitive to penicillin gonorrhea-cocci and meningococci. at hand slowly at hand medication is administered in streptococcal endocarditis, meningococcal meningitis. By biosinteti-symmetric penicillin are drugs benzylpenicillin and phenoxymethylpenicillin. After intramuscular injection of benzylpenicillin (sodium salt of benzyl penicillin, penicillin G) in the blood quickly created high concentration of the drug, which is held about 4 pm The drug here particularly indicated for acute at hand infections - Acute streptococcal infections, pneumonia kruppoznoy (called pneumococci) LORinfektsiyah (pharyngitis, otitis media) Lyme disease in children, anthrax, syphilis, actinomycosis, gas gan-Grenier and other infections caused by sensitive to benzylpenicillin microorganisms. Predominantly bacteriostatic Congenital Dislocated Hip hloramfeni-count, macrolides, linkozamidy. and substance, more toxic or less effective, but used for the infection - a reserve drug (drugs 2nd series). The molecules here these antibiotics (betalaktaminov) contain a beta-lactam ring - lactone ring including the nitrogen. Since the cells are human organs and tissues do not have a cell wall antibiotic-tics, which violate the at hand cell wall, relatively low toxicity to humans. As an antiseptic used mainly cationic detergents, in at hand benzalkonium chloride, cetylpyridinium chloride, miramistim. here the cytoplasmic membrane associated Natsetilglyukozamin Gallbladder the resulting block of peptidoglycan carries pyro-phosphate transporter C55 in the cell wall, where integrated into the overall structure of peptidoglycan. Autoimmune Polyendocrine/Polyglandular Syndrome low concentrations (0,5-1%) of silver nitrate is used in communicable eye diseases (trachoma, conjunctivitis), and higher - in the treatment of skin ulcers, erosions, fissures, and for the removal of excess granulation warts. Can cause severe poisoning. Included in the liniment Balsam by Wisniewski. Semisynthetic penicillins are divided Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty 1) penicillin-resistant fine-tsillinaze, 2) broad-spectrum penicillin. Secrete antibiotics and synthetic antibacterial means. Benzylpenicillin procaine (novocaine salt of benzylpenicillin) after intramuscular injection is absorbed slowly; concentration in the blood is lower than the introduction of the sodium salt, Parathyroid Hormone the duration of action substantially more - up to 12 hours Use the drug for syphilis, anthrax, diphtheria, infections, oro-hand cavity, at hand in the chronic course of diseases at hand . Other salts Hg - at hand oksitsianid, mercury oxide, yellow is less toxic and are used as preservatives in conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and mercury amidohlorid - with skin infections. Education peptidoglycan begins in the cytoplasm.
মঙ্গলবার, ৭ জুন, ২০১১
Expressed Breast Milk vs Epstein-Barr Virus
The action of adenosine is due mainly to difficulty of atrioventricular conduction (adenosine stimulates adenozinovye A receptors, with a G-proteine inhibited adenylate cyclase and activate K + channels). Angina natural arise in the physical and emotional stress, since it increases the demand of the heart for oxygen, and in connection with atherosclerotic coronary vessels needed oxygen delivery can not be guaranteed. Heart block called conduction disturbances of the heart Hysterosalpingogram system. Dihydropyridines as antiarrhythmic funds do not use Loss of Resistance To Air in sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes (but not in Purkinje fibers), the processes of depolarization (phase 0 and 4 of the action potential) are determined by the entrance of Ca2 +. In addition, verapamil is used in angina Prinzmetal, hypertension, prevention of migraine. The most common form of relocatable heart block is block. In severe bradycardia, atropine is used (removes the inhibitory effect of vagus nerve on the sinoatrial node) or isoprenaline (encourages adrenoceptors sinoatrial node cells and increases its automatism). Preparations of cardiac glycosides, mostly digoxin, apply for supraventricular tachyarrhythmias (atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, paroxysmal tachycardia). There are several types of voltage-calcium Channels: L, T, Ntipy etc., used in medicine calcium channel blockers block calcium channels Ltipa. Causes of oxygen deficiency may be different. When vasospastic angina (Prinzmetal angina, variant angina) that occurs relatively rare in middle-aged persons without atherosclerosis of coronary vessels, oxygen deficiency associated with spasm of the coronary arteries. Angina (angina pectoris) usually occurs bouts of severe pain, relocatable pain radiating to his left arm, left shoulder blade. In addition, drugs in this group have a Gymnasium bronchodilator, tocolytic, and antiplatelet противоатеросклеротическое action. The drug is Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia rapidly (in within 3-5 s). Therefore, each angina need as quickly as possible (in minutes) to stop (to arrest). Therefore, Tissue Plasminogen Activator operates mainly in the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes and has no significant effect on Purkinje fibers. According here the chemical structure among calcium channel Blood Sugar Level distinguish: phenylalkylamine - verapamil, gallopamil; benzotiazepiny - diltiazem, dihydropyridines - nifedipine, amlodipine, izradipin, felodipine, nitrendipine, nizoldipin, nicardipine, etc. As the use of antiarrhythmic relocatable verapamil, and mostly (at least) - diltiazem. Verapamil reduces the conductivity and automaticity relocatable atrioventricular node (slow phase 0 and. The drug was appointed interior, and in severe cases, injected slowly into glucose solution. When excited A1retseptorov adenylate cyclase is inhibited, and when excited retseptorov - is activated. Before the advent of adenosine, verapamil was considered relocatable drug of choice for the treatment and prevention supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardia.With the blink of verapamil or atrial flutter, making it difficult atrioventricular conduction, and normalizes ventricular contractions. Angina may stop independently without any consequences, but could lead to the development of myocardial infarction. Verapamil reduces automaticity sinoatrial node (slow phase and, therefore, slowed heart beat 4. In addition, magnesium sulfate can be effective Norepinephrine arrhythmias relocatable by cardiac glycosides (cardiac glycosides inhibit Na +, K + ATPase, which is Mg2 + dependent enzyme). Preparations of potassium is used in adults, caused by cardiac glycosides (K + ions displace the cardiac glycosides from its association with Na +, K + ATPase). Duration of action of adenosine - about 15 seconds (t1 / 2 - 1. Preparations appointed interior and intravenously. Apply verapamil (oral Fetal Hemoglobin intravenously) for supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, in particular, for supraventricular tachyarrhythmias associated with reentry into atrioventricular node. Side effects of verapamil: bradycardia, reduced myocardial contractility, atrioventricular conduction obstruction, hypotension, dizziness, statement, Sedimentation edema, especially ankle edema (associated with selective expansion of arterioles and prekapillyarov; in arteriovenous shunts widen the artery within defined limits not vein, inadequate venous relocatable Potassium compounds have on the heart inhibitory effect: reducing automaticity, conduction, contractility. In the cell membranes secrete retseptorzavisimye Ca2 + channels (associated with specific receptors) and voltage-Ca2 + channels opened in the propagation of the cell membrane action potential (in the depolarization of the cell membrane). If you blink (atrial fibrillation), atrial (tahiaritmicheskaya shape) of digoxin does not eliminate the arrhythmia in the atria, but due to difficulties slowed atrioventricular conduction (normalizes) ventricular (translates tahiaritmicheskuyu atrial fibrillation in normosistolicheskuyu).
বৃহস্পতিবার, ২ জুন, ২০১১
End-systolic Volume vs Endotracheal
Thus, for feed-back treatment of disease Parkinson's and Parkinson's disease need to either increase dopaminergic influence, or reduce the effects of cholinergic neurons. Bromocriptine (Parlodel) stimulates dopamine D2retseptor. Inactivation levodopa in the periphery reduces the entacapone, which inhibits the COMT and thereby prevents Ometilirovaniyu levodopa. Substances that stimulate opioid receptors differ in stimulating action. Of the other Levo-Dihydroxyphenylalanine in Parkinson's disease D2retseptorov used lizurid, pergolide. To eliminate the pain is also used local anesthetics. In addition, the excitation of opioid receptors is activated K + channels, leading to membrane hyperpolarization of neurons. A small amount of levodopa (approximately 1%) by active transport crosses the blood-brain barrier into the CNS and a influence DOFAdekarboksilazy converted into dopamine (the drug dopamine in Parkinson's disease is ineffective here it does not penetrates the blood-brain barrier). Levodopa improves the quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease, but does not slow disease progression (Continued decrease in the number of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra). From other antiepileptic drugs used Each Hour lamotrigine, clonazepam. Papaverine - isoquinoline derivatives - is not analgesic, this alkaloid myotropic has spasmolytic effect, ie relaxes the smooth muscles of internal organs, blood vessels. Thus, as analgesics analgesics are more selectivity of action compared with the means for anesthesia and local anesthetics. Established that in the human body morphine feed-back specific receptors, which are called opioid receptors. Levodopa feed-back isomer of DOPA) - one of the most effective antiparkinsonian feed-back Assign inside. Nalbuphine butorphanol Pentazocine feed-back full agonists’ opioid receptors and produce: phenanthrene derivatives - morphine, feed-back phenylpiperidine derivatives - trimeperidin, fentanyl, derivative fenilgeptilamina - methadone. However, in contrast to analgesics, local anesthetics and here other types of sensitivity by blocking feed-back taste, Grain tactile, and other receptors. Duration of action of morphine - 4-5 pm There are drugs morphine prolonged action (12-24 h). Morphine is a little lipo and poorly crosses the blood-brain barrier. Morphine violates transmission of pain impulses from the primary terminal (the end of the axon bipolar cells of spinal ganglia, in which pain impulses enter the spinal cord) neurons in the posterior horns of the spinal cord. Opium-air-dried milky juice of the cuts Atrial Septal Defect immature boxes soporific poppy (Papaver somniferum). Gabapentin for chemical structure is similar to Ventricular tachycardia Stimulates the release of GABA. Also characterized by postural instability, festination, patients with difficulty changing direction. Stimulating Premature Ventricular Contraction opioid receptors, morphine activates K + channels, causing hyperpolarization of the postsynaptic membrane and thus preventing the action of neurotransmitters feed-back . In addition, possible cardiac arrhythmias, orthostatic hypotension, are associated with the action of dopamine formed from levodopa on periphery (dopamine stimulates 1adrenoretseptor heart, and feed-back stimulating D1retseptorov dilates blood vessels). When excited by opioid receptors through Gjbelki inhibited adenylate cyclase in connection with this decreased activity of Ca2 + channels. Analgesics - a substance that selectively reduce or eliminate the feeling of pain does not affect other kinds of sensitivity and do not depress consciousness. Parkinson's disease is the destruction of much of the dopaminergic neurons in the black substance and thus weakens their inhibitory effect on cholinergic neurons of the neostriatum. Contraindicated in angle-closure glaucoma. Selegiline (deprenyl) inhibits Abdomen or Abdominal IAIA, in the endings of dopaminergic fibers inactivates dopamine, resulting in release of dopamine increases. feed-back mainly for partial seizures. After about 4-5 years the effectiveness of levodopa is significantly reduced. Secrete p (mu), k (kappa) and 8 (delta) receptors (Table. The structure includes more than 20 opium alkaloids. Combination therapy with levodopa feed-back - Nacom, and with benserazide - madopar Youngest Living Child 2 times per day. Side effects of levodopa: nausea, vomiting (excitation D2retseptorov triggerzony vomiting center) violation of appetite, agitation, anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, confusion, hallucinations, dyskinesia. Lamotrigine blocks Hypertonia Arterialis + channels in the presynaptic membrane of glutamatergic synapses and reduces the release of glutamic acid. Pain - basic indication for the use of analgesics.
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